How to Tell If Your New Finance Employee Will Last

With 2019 now in full force, chances are strong your organization recently began its staffing process for the new year, and started thinking about your next finance employee. Of course, finding, hiring, and onboarding new hires takes a significant amount of resources. This time and money simply gets wasted if that employee leaves after a short time with your firm.

What follows are a few insights on determining whether or not your company’s new finance employee is in it for the long haul. Use this information to improve the organizational retention rate and get more out of your staffing investment.

Do They Show Passion and Self-Motivation?

The most productive workers typically feel passionate about their profession, especially in the unique financial industry. Keep an eye on new hires for their first few weeks on the job. Are they self-motivated enough to learn their new role and its associated skill set and task list?

Embracing the Company’s Mission and Office Culture

Cultural fit plays a huge role in the retention of any financial employee. Your onboarding process needs to include a significant introduction to the company’s culture and overall mission. In fact, this also needs to happen as part of any job advertising and the corporate website to attract candidates interested in the organization.

Pay close attention to how well any new employees embrace the company culture. Making a good fit truly matters!

Going Beyond the Expectations

When onboarding a new employee, providing them with a list of short-term goals is typical. If the new hire not only meets those goals, but exceeds them, it’s a likely predictor of their ultimate success in your organization.

Work with their managers to personalize a few goals to test their ability to learn things quickly, while also giving them the chance to go the extra mile. Make this informed goal-setting part of your onboarding process.

Displaying Superior Aptitude for Their Work

Some financial hires quickly reveal themselves as stars. They pick up new concepts, applications, and procedures very quickly. When combined with a great attitude – someone willing to help their co-workers and do more than necessary – it reveals an employee your organization absolutely needs to retain.

Make sure to add additional responsibilities to their role to ensure they don’t become bored. This raises the risk of them looking elsewhere for employment. Also, consider putting them on a management track.

If you need advice on building a top-notch team at your financial company, talk to Venteon. As one of the top technical and finance staffing agencies in the Midwest, we provide great finance employee candidates able to hit the ground running. Click to schedule your free staffing consultation.



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