Are you in the engineering field? If so, you have the best chance at finding your dream job right now. With the employment rate in this field at an astounding two percent, there may not have been a better time to land that key position you have been dreaming and hoping for. From the electrical and computer programs to the environmental positions and even the auto industry, engineering candidates with well-qualified schooling are a shoe in.
The Rise of Employment
In September of 2009, unemployment rates for the engineering industry were at an all time high. They hit 6.4 percent then. Of course, this may seem minimal considering the total unemployment rate for all sectors stood at 10 percent at the time. However, by mid-2011, this rate was under two percent.
Who Is the Ideal Candidate?
If you are an individual who is young and have a promising degree behind you, employers want to work with you. Demand is evident across the board in various industries too, including and especially electrical, biomedical, aerospace, environmental, mechanical, computer, automotive and petroleum industries.
Many engineers are finding new positions, too. For example, some are finding research and development work. Others are working in the pharmaceutical industry. From designing electrical systems for buildings to managing power plants, electrical engineers are finding a huge surplus of jobs in some areas. Jobs in sustainability are also promising.
How About Money?
Not only are positions readily available, but salaries are looking good, too. Some engineers in this field will be making close to $80,000. Sign on bonuses, company profit sharing and other key benefits are a part of the package. In some industries, for well-qualified candidates, that is just the starting pay.
Why So Much Demand?
There are many reasons why this field continues to be so in demand for employees. Consumers continue to demand solutions for technologically difficult problems. These are not small time problems either. They include shortages of clean water supply, faster computing, smarter computing, and global warming.
The demand is also high because there are fewer graduates leaving school with this degree. In some cases, just 4.5 percent of all undergraduates leave school with an engineering degree. Keep in mind these individuals do not have licenses. To get a license in the field, you need four years of working experience to sit for the exam.
If you are in a position of being an engineer now is the prime time to make that leap into a secure, big company that wants to hire you. Whether you are going to design amazing new products or just fill the gaps, there are jobs waiting for you.
For more information on engineering portfolios and finding the top engineering talent, contact Venteon today!